
Using my flexibility will help my dance flow better and will help in deepening my movements.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Beginning to adjust in ballet..

This is a video of the sequence I couldn't perform in class last week.

In this sequence I concentrated on getting the arm positioning correct in the balancé turn as this is what confused me. The steps are very simple and I could perform the steps with ease but when I added the arms, I couldn't co-ordinate my body properly. As this video shows I have improved on this sequence and I will continue to work at it.

In ballet I use my previous experience of being a gymnast to help me improve. As I was a gymnast I have a lot of balancing skills and I can execute movements involving standing on one leg (releve), and stretching also on one leg at the bar. Here are some photos of me performing some of these elements:

Preparing for a releve with a retire leg.

In releve with retire. Here you can see that I have managed to maintain my turn out and keep my shoulders down to make it feel and look comfortably relaxed.


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