
Using my flexibility will help my dance flow better and will help in deepening my movements.

Monday 21 November 2011

The end is here.... but will always be continued

I feel that I have improved in my very first goals that I set myself. I have overall gained confidence in ballet and I can feel my that my dancing technique in ballet has technically emended. I have discovered that if I try my hardest in the studio, I generally gain a better understanding of how to execute this certain technique and then I feel a part of the class. I no longer feel like I am not good enough for this technique and I can use my strengths to cover up things that I am unsure on. I now ask the teacher questions on certain movements if I am hesitant to what I should be doing, whereas when I started this year I would have asked either one of the girls or I would have just got confused and performed the movements incorrectly. I will continue to increase my potential of ballet and I will practise inside and outside of studio time.

Analysing myself in all technique classes, I have noticed that I use every bone (metatarsal, tarsal and phalangees) in my feet when dancing and I don't struggle with performing foot work phrases anymore. It has become clearer to me that when you relax certain sections of the feet into the movement it is easier and looks more pleasing than not using the floor and moving sharp to the next position instead of being smooth. Using a theraband and a tin helps to feel this movement through my feet.

I have improved in my presence to when I dance in technique due to practising more and incorporating in various sessions outside of class time. This has also given me a deeper insight to the dance world and has made me determined to reach my set goals and targets.

I have recognised from the beginning that I didn't use my breath the way I should have when dancing. Now this comes naturally as I feel like it helps to improve my movements further than normal and I feel better in myself as I can feel my muscles working.

I feel like I have experienced more things this year with other dance companies and practitioners. This has given me a greater insight into what different practitioners look for and analyse and speaking to directors has helped me with my solo ideas and choreographing altogether. I really enjoyed working with Charlotte Vincent as she shocked us and criticised our work without worrying how we felt afterwards as she was just being honest. It made me feel like I was back at gymnastics again as I was getting criticised in the same sort of ways and I felt comfortable with this kind of analysing and editing technique. I will continue to use the Liz Lerman technique when analysing my piece and other works because I feel that personally it help the choreographer/director and also the performers to improve in their work.

I will continue blogging as I feel that it is a very useful tool to help self criticise my dancing, and when I recognise myself what my weaknesses and strengths are I am then able to adjust and improve overall.

I have also lost over a stone since I began this blog and this will help with my future career in dance and gymnastics; gone from 63kg to 56kg.

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