
Using my flexibility will help my dance flow better and will help in deepening my movements.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Emotions...What I feel in class.


Emotions come from various sensations throughout the body. Emotions instigate a series of networks and maps through the brain as well as the body and these can occur all of the time. Most emotions take energy to express themselves on the inside and outside. Effort is involved when showing an emotion so the body goes through various changes to communicate with another body.

The mood we are in can effect our feelings, and these feelings can last for a short amount of time or a longer duration. This therefore effects how we express ourselves to others, and then our reaction to someone can effect their emotions; the chain continues. The environment can also effect how was feel, whether its mentally or physically.

In the reading on Motion and Emotion, they state that scientists looked for years to find the structure that is responsible for the emotions in the human body. They discovered that it was the networking between physical structures and its our understanding of the body's response to the processes that defines our emotions in life. It also states that there is a system at the base of the cortex called the Limbic System, that is said to be responsible for processing emotions and memory, giving room for thought. This is called "The Emotional Brain".  The body sends signals to the brain questioning its alertness.In this it helps portray passion, affection, tears, sexual feelings and all other emotions. Changes in breath, tightening of the abdominal muscles and the eyes dilation are all part of the effects that cause emotion.


An example of these effects show in babies. They are not aware of their actions and emotions due to their brains not being fully developed, but they are able to learn over the years through feeling and observing. We are continually learning from others and we discover new pathways throughout our lives at any point.

The way we respond to our emotions is based on familiarity and a sense of home. We were brought up by our families and people we know, so the way we react to others is through what we have learnt from elder people.

Generally when I am in class my emotions are the same; Determination to improve in each class, each lesson. Irregularly, I will have to odd 'down' day either because I am not well or because I am tired due to working a lot of the time. I make sure that it isn't a frequent thing, as when I dance, I dance with passion and love for moving, so this keeps my spirits high when I am in the studio.

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